Οδοντωτή μνήμη της Ευρυδίκης Νικήτα

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UN/INHABITED examines the polar theme (Inhabited-Uninhabited) that refers both to habitation and to habit; the type of environment in which an individual or group normally lives and something that is fixed by habit; accustomed. The project is inspired and will partly take place in the un/inhabited island of Delos, a sacred and once commercial centre with ruins dating back to over five thousand years.

One of the first and archetypal treasuries of Europe; a form of Central Bank coincides with the advent of value and law. Issues of european identity and democratic representation will be addressed next to questions of value, representation and community that form the core of the project. The art practices reflect on how identity, community and value are articulated and represented, and how these social coordinates play out in a network of economic cohesion.

UN/INHABITED investigates the ways in which environmental issues and urbanisation processes are negotiated together with issues like history, territoriality and European-ness and how these elements are related with economy and value.

The collaborators draw on the notion of an un/inhabited protected space to speculate on how these elements play out in the context of economic crisis and to suggest alternative designs for the principle of value and eco-habitat

DATES: 7 July & 1 September 2012


CURATED BY: Sozita Goudouna

John Bennett, Esther Collins, Hannah Jobse, Thanos Koutsianas, Eva Marathaki, Lorenzo Marsili, Stavros Martinos, Apostolia Papadamaki, George Papadopoulos, Tereza Papamichali, Stella Pantelia, Xristina Penna, Fani Sofologi, Leontios Toumbouris

Vital Space Projects
Alexandra Stratou

Tamiko Onozawa


Petros Babasikas & Researchers_UPATRAS


Out of the Box Intermedia
is a non-profit interdisciplinary
arts organization actively committed
to the research, development and presentation
of site-responsive and intermedia projects. The
organization aims to promote international exchange
of practice and knowledge in the arts (visual and sound
art, dance, architecture, theatre), to research on the
methods used in theatre and curatorial practices and
to investigate points of intersection between the
arts and the public sphere by means
of interventions, collective actions,
educational programmes and


the Auspices of
MEdIES (Mediterranean Education Initiative
For Enviroment & Sustainability)


Αστρολογία Σήμερα
Φτηνή γραμμή αστρολογίας, προβλέψεων, μελλοντολογίας και χαρτομαντείας, με έγκυρες και άμεσες προβλέψεις χωρίς αναμονές, όλο το 24ωρο
Το Βήμα του Ασθενή: Η δική σας φωνή στην υγεία
Το forum του ιατροnet.gr, που σκοπεύει να αποτελέσει τη δική σας φωνή στην Υγεία και την περίθαλψη.
Greek Implants - Αναίμακτη Τοποθέτηση Εμφυτευμάτων
Εξειδικευμένοι στην τοποθέτηση εμφυτευμάτων με την τεχνική ελάχιστης επέμβασης (minimal invasive) που είναι σχεδόν αναίμακτη, ανώδυνη.